Hunters' Rumors Block List
(A special thanks to Chuck for the write up, go check him out at!)
What is a hunter's rumor blocklist?
Because each Guild Hunter is able to assign you a separate task, and those tasks overlap between the tiers, you can effectively "block" certain tasks as you cannot be assigned duplicates from different Guild Hunters
How should I set it up my block list?
Simply start by getting a task for whichever Guild Hunter you'd like to put a block on, and keep doing tasks until you land on the one you want to block. Once you get the block-task, move on to the next Guild Hunter! Then MAKE SURE to talk to the Guild Hunter who has the task you want to do again before going on your hunt.
I want the fastest method for completing rumors to hunt Quetzin only, what should I block?
As of writing this, the recommended blocks for fastest Quetzin is referred to as "Kebbit Tech", its blocklist is as follows -
Kebbit Tech:
Novice - Sabre kyatt
Cervus - Grey chin
Ornus - Spotted kebbit
Aco - Sun antelope
Teco - open (no block)
Master - Red chin
What should I block if I'm going for all hunter pets?
If you still need Herbiboar and Chinchompa, you can block the following -
Adept - Pyre foxes
Expert - Red salamanders
Expert - Sunlight antelope
Novice - Moonlight antelope
Tecu - Salamanders or moths
That's really confusing, got any tips?
A good idea is to check all of your possible rumors first from all Guild Hunters since there is some flexibility in how you setup the blocklist.
It helps to write down your blocks to keep track so you don't have to keep switching between rumors to remember what each Guild Hunter has.
You may want to check out some other guides on youtube as hunters rumors are new, and information could change in the future!