Phosani's Nightmare FAQ
Because so many plugins are changed, and especially if you plan to use the mushroom tiles, we recommend creating a Runelite profile specific for Phosani.
How does Coxie make the floor look gray?
First turn on the 'Low Detail' plugin on Runelite. In the Low Detail plugin settings, turn on 'Hide lower planes'. Next go to the 'Skybox' plugin and use the color code '4F4F4F'
Is Inquisitor's Mace better than Scythe?
Wearing max melee with Inquisitor's armor means that the mace has approximately a .15 DPS increase over the Scythe. Please note that if you're using Blood Fury that the Scythe is slightly better DPS than the mace in full Inquisitor's. Inquisitor's is now best-in-slot armor for Phosani regardless of if you use Scythe or Mace
As of the update on August 28th 2024, the amulet of Rancour has made the Scythe better than Mace again
How does Coxie always have Husks and Parasites prioritized in his attack options?
Using the 'Custom Menu Swaps' plugin, paste the below codes into the 'Custom Swaps' section, each on their own line.
What gear does Coxie bring?
How do I highlight the mushroom spores to help me see them better?
1/17/2024 update - Coxie has been changing the color and opacity values to find his favorite combination. This guide will make your mushrooms white, based on your preference you may want to adjust the color codes. If you are unsure of how to do this, we recommend leaving it to the default as written in this guide.
The first step you will need to to is create a new Runelite profile. The easiest way to do this is to duplicate your current one, it is also recommended to rename it to something recognizable at this time.
After you've duplicated and renamed your profile, you'll need to navigate to the Runelite profiles folder. The most common place for this folder is:
"C:\Users\-your PC's Username here-\.runelite\profiles2".
If you are having trouble locating the .runelite folder, you can try right-clicking the "Take Screenshot" (camera icon) button, and opening the screenshot folder, then going back one folder
Profiles2 is the correct folder, not "profiles". In here, you should be able to locate by-name the new profile made in step 1. See the image below for an example, your file structure may look different. In this example the profile "Phosani" that is highlighted is the duplicate made in step 1.
After highlighting the profile, double click it to open it. If Windows asks you for which program to use, Notepad is fine. Scroll to the absolute bottom of the notepad. Once the file is open and scrolled down, click the "Copy Code" button. Hit enter in the notepad to get on a new line, and paste the code into the notepad. Save the notepad, close it, close Runelite, and re-open it.
The last step is to go into the 'Object Markers' plugin, select 'Mark tile ONLY', and set the border width to 20. Please note that the border width is dependent on your Runelite client size/resolution, so you may want to adjust this to your own liking.
From here when you select the proper profile you should see the Mushrooms be highlighted!
If you're having problems with the Copy Code button you can find the code here -